
a fresh openSUSE 11.3 install

My NEO‘s hard disk broke over night after running 365*24 for a couple of years (sic!!), so I got me new 3.5″ hard disks for this one and also its brother.

I started installing openSUSE 11.3 over the network yesterday. That worked pretty fine.
But I got problems with X. I have no clue, where the X Windows set-up hides. Something tells me, to have a look at, which yast2-* components got activated with YaST’s package management. I think, the thing is actually called SaX. I will call SaX then instead. Didn’t find it. I am stuck. Shall I chat with Andreas Jaeger about this? Better not, he might remove me from his IM list then. I shall wait. It’s not urgent at all. I don’t really need a GUI on that machine. But then: it’s sort of my experimental box. If 11.3 works there, I will upgrade to it on the others as well.
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