Free as in Freedom interweaves biographical snapshots of GNU project founder Richard Stallman with the political, social and economic history of the free software movement. It examines Stallman’s unique personality and how that personality has been at turns a driving force and a drawback in terms of the movement’s overall success.
- 2014-08-10/12 : started reading it
Chapter 7:
… He also made sure LMI programmers had direct access to the changes. “I was going to punish Symbolics if it was the last thing I did,” Stallman says.
Such statements are revealing. Not only do they shed light on Stallman’s nonpacifist nature, they also reflect the intense level of emotion triggered by the conflict. According to another Newquist-related story, Stallman became so irate at one point that he issued an email threatening to “wrap myself in dynamite and walk into Symbolics’ offices.” Although Stallman would deny any memory of the email and still describes its existence as a “vicious rumor,” he acknowledges that such thoughts did enter his head. “I definitely did have fantasies of killing myself and destroying their building in the process,” Stallman says. “I thought my life was over.” …
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