- http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596001735.do
- http://oreilly.com/perl/excerpts/perl-best-practices/appendix-b.html – its Appendix B gets provided for the public by the publishing house, it lists all the recipes with brief descriptions
- “PBP Module Recommendation Commentary” on Socialtext [Link, actually Perl Foundation links to that via “perlfoundation.org/perl5/index.cgi?pbp_module_recommendation_commentary“]; some “yes”, “mostly yes”, “no”, “maybe” regarding the modules recommended in the book; short resp. compact and worth reading resp. good for looking up a module, that you are tempted to use after reading about it in the book, so you have another (useful) opinion
- a collection of 256 guidelines – find them listed on a refcard at http://refcards.com/refcard/perl-best-practices-vromansj!
- it got released in 2005 though, and time went on in the meantime!
- rather nice to read
- its author also teaches classes in courses by this name, they should be rather up-to-date
- …
From the TOC:
- Chapter 2: Code Layout: …, Vertical Alignment, …, Automated Layout (“enforce your chosen layout style mechanically” i.e. through perltidy), …
- Chapter 7: Documentation (this is the most extensive text on POD, that I know in the Perl literature)
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