
LyricWiki: we are a free wiki website where anyone can get reliable lyrics for any song by any artist

Lyrics by song, album, or music artist – LyricWiki

Interesting. Where do they get their information and the respective licenses from?

lyrics.wikia.com/LyricWiki:Copyrights :

Copyright Status of Song Lyrics:
Copyrights to lyrics are held by their respective owners and are licensed through Gracenote.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gracenote :

Gracenote, Inc., formerly called CDDB (Compact Disc Data Base), is a company […] 

Back in the old days CD ripping software accessed CDDB for retrieving information later copied into MP3 tags. And that’s what CDDB was really famous for.

Nowadays Gracenote is a subsidiary of Sony Corporation of America.

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