- downloading the 4.7GB DVD ISO image from a mirror – funny to watch a download rate of 1.92M/s with wget; my last installation was with the network CD, but this time I am giving the DVD installation another try, as I want to implement this upgrade on 3 boxes within a rather short time after the release of 12.2, so there should only be a few upgrades necessary and most packages will get installed from the DVD anyway
- checking the download: sha1sum openSUSE-12.2-DVD-i586.iso
- cutting the DVD – doing this on my Mac using Disk Utility – OS X refused to mount the DVD afterwards; but the PC booted from it (etc.) w/o complaints
- installing 12.2 on the Eee Box
- rcxdm failed; I removed /etc/X11/xorg.conf, after that I am able to start up rcxdm successfully; apparently /etc/X11/xorg.conf.install is also quite suitable /etc/X11/xorg.conf – it uses the screen with 1024×768 at least
- logging into the system with ssh works as usual for root but not for my personal account – solved! they changed something in sshd_config, from now on only .ssh/authorized_keys counts
- installing 12.2 on the NEO
- installing 12.2 on the ASUS notebook
- installing 12.2 on a “x86_64-suse-linux” VirtualBox VM with Mac OS X as host
- [now] …
- …
Of course I need these, and of course I have notes on them here on the blog:
- $ zypper install gcc
- $ zypper install patch
- $ zypper install libcurl-devel
- perl: $ perlbrew available # perl-5.16.1 (needed “–force –notest“), perl-5.14.3-RC1 (???), perl-5.14.2 (broken on my x86_64-suse-linux), … – it does not list all available ones, only the most recent ones on all major releases – here are all of them: www.cpan.org/src/5.0/ – you may want to pre-download a few of them (“$ perlbrew download perl-5.14.1“), and they go here: $PERLBREW_ROOT/dists/
- perl: $ perlbrew install-cpanm; perlbrew install-patchperl
- perl: migrate CPAN modules using perlbrew and cpanm (https://metacpan.org/module/perlbrew)
- ruby: rvm
- …