by Bill Courington and Gary Collins
It includes a lot of useful Linux tweaks, that you may want to apply apart from installing Java SE anyway.
Resize the SD Card Partitions:
About half the card’s space is unallocated. The biggest chunk of free space follows the /dev/sdb3 partition. To add this space to /dev/sdb2 (the file system), we temporarily delete /dev/sdb3, extend /dev/sdb2, then re-create /dev/sdb3.
I started making use of the “Java SE” label with this article. Should apply it elsewhere as well.
It has a section “Optional Linux Tuning and Tweaking“:
- Set Up Static IP Address
- Enable Swapping and Optimize File System Access Time
- Set Time Zone and Locale
- Set Up a Time Server
- Set Up an Internet Proxy
- Remap the Keyboard
- Update Debian Packages
- Automatically Start the Graphical User Interface
- Add a Different Web Browser
- Enable Sound
Do I really want to swap on the SD card? They discourage it there.
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