booting a VirtualBox VM on a MacBook Pro from a Win8.1 DVD: “FATAL: Could not read from the boot medium! System halted.”
I had tried in vain booting that DVD with changed parameters in the VM set-up.
I searched the web for the error message “FATAL: Could not read from the boot medium! System halted.“.
I did not simply try to navigate the DVD in the OS X Finder – but doing that at a rather early stage would have saved me many hours.
Once I did, I noticed, that the Finder wasn’t able to access the DVD.
I already planned to get the DVD exchanged by the PC shop, but I thought, I should try, what they would go to try: access the DVD in Windows PC; there wasn’t any Windows PC available, but an Ubuntu Linux PC was a proper replacement: everything was fine there, …
and there I created a nice ISO image from the DVD,
and VirtualBox was rather able to properly mount that ISO image,
and everything went rather, rather smoothly from thereon.
Now I have a functional Win8.1 VM on my MacBook Pro running OS X.