
my Polar V800 and flow.polar.com and two different accounts

I have been uploading data to flow.polar.com from my V800 and also from the “Polar Beat” app on my Android phone, a Samsung Galaxy S5.

I got my V800 replaced around the end of September because of a couple of problems. New V800, new “deviceid” of course.

Ever since apparently I have not been able to successfully upload my V800 sessions to my flow.polar.com account resp. profile.

I should have contacted polar customer care via e-mail (or phone? but their availability is so, so limited) far, far earlier.

Today after contacting them via e-mail (and in parallel on the phone, that was actually their UK service) they pointed me to the log file of the computer application “Polar FlowSync”.

I tracked down, that my V800 uploads its data into a rather different account resp. profile, apparently also mine (even with a lower number than the one I actually use), but I have no idea, how and when and who created that, resp. how that account got associated to my new V800. Now I asked them to grant me access to “my other account” on flow.polar.com .

Update: Looks like you can export training data and route data (separately), but how would you import them into (another, different) acccount on flow.polar.com ?

Update: If you want to deal with their central (“HQ”) customer care in English, address them at customercare(AT)polar.com ! If you are able to deal with IT guys in English, why would you let anybody get in between?

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