
attended tonight: Big Data, Berlin v3.0

Thomas Bestfleisch (“Solution Engineer” at Exasol AG, Nürnberg) held a talk titled “A Tool for a Job“:

Ronert Obst (“Data Scientist” at Pivotal.io) held a talk titled “Smart Cars of Tomorrow: Learning Driving Patterns From Sensor Data“:

Both speakers are German native speakers, both do not mumble at all, excellent to understand after all, both may be great conference speakers a couple of years ahead, maybe with “a little” intense English training through living in an English speaking country for a couple of years. Having “lots of” non-native English speakers around in their offices isn’t really the same. I am looking forward to see both their follow-ups on their topics (getting more into the details), because I really quite like their styles and their kindness.

Just in case you should wish to connect:

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I hope, you agree I am treating the speakers fairly.

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