
Dany Bober giving “Dos Kelbl” (yiddish for “The Calf”) AKA “Donna Donna”, interpreted by Joan Baez, Donovan et al

Donna Donna (דאַנאַ דאַנאַ “Dana Dana”, also known as דאָס קעלבל “Dos Kelbl” — The Calf) is a Yiddish theater song about a calf being led to slaughter. Some believe the song’s title is a variant on Adonai, a Jewish name for G’d, but native Yiddish speakers would agree that both religiously and linguistically, such an idea is unfounded and that this idea is a Christian reinterpretation of the song.

I am just playing Dany Bober’s “Dos Kälbl” recorded on his album “Zeitlos – Lieder des Judentums“. (“Dos Kälbl” is only another spelling of “Dos Kelbl” resp. transliteration from the Yiddish דאָס קעלבל to the Latin alphabet, in the 1st case more oriented to German spelling of the word calf resp. “little calf“, ie. Kälbchen resp. Kälblein in German.)

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