
Asaf Avidan on en.wikipedia.org – my recent changes

This week I added a section on his recently appeared album Gold Shadow, but I actually failed also adding a row to the solo albums table – but User:Werldwayd did so today.

When I had a few closer looks at that table, I found, that apparently album charts in Belgium are only measured as “per Flanders” and as “per Wallonia”. Well, Belgium is already a small country, so is it that important to present Belgian charts on a province level? I am familiar with the Belgian situation, so I did not need to guess long, what “Vl” and “Wa” und Belgium meant. But I thought it is more helpful to replace them with “NL” resp. “FR”, as the URL used exactly there to prove the chart figures had “nl” and “fr” in their names as well. So I changed that.

The person that created the solo albums table ages ago and started with with only Different Pulses then, actually added the references regarding the various national chart figures for Different Pulses to the column titles instead of the to resp. cells within the Different Pulses row. Moving the references was quite a delicate job, as it required some rather cautious wiki table editing. I sweated a little, trust me.

Why am I writing all this here? For these 2 brief readers??? For practising justification, why certain changes are necessary and make good sense. I also first added a section on the “talk” page associated to the page itself, in order to justify my Belgian change.

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