
Synology DiskStation firmware (“DSM”) update fixes very high CPU usage

The CPU usage (and also some recurring disk usage) had been that high for quite a couple of months on one of my DiskStations (a DS112+), and esp. the disk usage (preventing the disk from hibernating) had worried me quite a lot. The problem started with a prior firmware update, and I was unable to fix it.

But when I read today in the release notes for their “5.2-5565 Update 2”, it suddenly struck me. Maybe I should have tried to close their DSM sysload widget, once when the problem arose, but sadly enough that idea did not come up.

Fixed Issues:

How did I discover the high CPU usage in the first place? GKrellM … – I wrote about that before, and you can simply select that category here around the article.

Thanks, Synology, for stealing a couple of thousands of hours of lifetime from that NAS disk!

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