- “Perl module that provides a self-contained crypto toolkit”
- https://metacpan.org/pod/CryptX — CryptX on CPAN
- https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/libcryptx-perl
- the “sid” AKA “unstable” AKA “bleeding edge” version is probably the one you are after
- download all 3 files mentioned there (source package) – actually (“in an ideal world“): dget the .dsc file, that will download all of them and check MD5 values
- https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/devscripts/dget.1.en.html
- adapt the minimal release specified by debhelper within debian/control
- run “dpkg-source -x” on the .dsc file
- https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/dpkg-dev/dpkg-source.1.en.html
- …
I hope I will be able to use this as a template for other CPAN modules (like DBD::Oracle, …).