
Jenkins vs Java8 – SSL, fonts, “-Djava.awt.headless=…”, …

I had to migrate from Java7 to Java8 eventually.

When you start launching your jenkins WAR file, you will run into at least these issues:

In order to ignore the HTTPS / certificate noise for the time being, I switched on the HTTP port again, and I switched off the HTTPS port.

I decided to give “my own” Java (from Oracle downloads) a try. I downloaded “my own” “Java SE 8u192” for Linux x64 from Oracle downloads, untarred, and made use of it within my start-up script.

The “-Djava.awt.headless=…” and the font trouble simply disappeared after that.

The certificate issue:

Just do, as you get told!

This is my experience gathered on my Synology DS713+.

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