- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26734402/how-to-upgrade-docker-container-after-its-image-changed
- https://hub.docker.com/r/sameersbn/gitlab/ – the Docker container image’s home page
I am using a Docker container for a GitLab CE installation. The GitLab installation inside tells me “update asap“. How do I deal with that?
- should I wait for an update of the Docker container image? (that’s what the article title refers to)
- will that update preserve my data already living inside the container?
- alternatively: how to update the GitLab installation myself? (I find the update request rather urgent)
- https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/update/README.html#zero-downtime-updates – instructions for zero downtime updates
I wasn’t able to find any gitlab related APT / Debian package I could even try to update.