- https://github.com/MrCee/Synology-Homebrew = MrCee/Synology-Homebrew on GitHub
- I think this package screwed my NAS
- amongst other things I think it did “chgrp -R root” on my HOME directory #WTF
- it turned my DiskStation upside down
- this “homebrew” is also called “linuxbrew”
- after upgrading to “DSM 7.2.2-72806 Update 1” my diskstation needed this:
$ sudo ln -s /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/glibc/2.35_1/bin/ldd /usr/bin
- https://github.com/ublue-os/bluefin/issues/1079 – “brew install llvm” fails with “Cannot write: No space left on device” #1079
- there was a dependency on llvm … – the filesystem in question is tmpfs (?!?) mapped into the RAM – setting the HOMEBREW_TEMP environment variable to /var/tmp
- this was also necessary: “$ ulimit -n 1024”