Category: Germany
Henryk M. Broder: Why is Germany’s Best Known Jewish Journalist Giving Speeches to Its Holocaust-Downplaying, Far-Right Party?
“Jurgen the German” – Jurgen is a tourist in the U.K., and he is ridiculous (from the pre-Jürgen-Klopp-area)ürgen_Klopp
Jürgen Habermas Recalls Philosophers of Jewish Background as Returnees to West Germany – Tablet Magazine
Judische Philosophen und Soziologen als Ruckkehrer in der fruhen Bundesrepublik via Jürgen Habermas Recalls Philosophers of Jewish Background as Returnees to West Germany – Tablet Magazine.
Kaspersky discovers new version of German state-sponsored trojan – The H Security: News and Features
Kaspersky discovers new version of German state-sponsored trojan – The H Security: News and Features: “The researchers also discovered a 64-bit driver signed using a certificate issued by fictitious CA Goose Cert; 64-bit versions of Windows will not load unsigned drivers. A normal copy of Windows will not accept the fake certificate, meaning that the…