Category: cygwin
updating my cygwin installation left me in trouble again — was: Microsoft Windows and the X Window System $ startxwin I usually prefer the rootless way. My applications nowadays “usually” run on a Linux (Debian, …) system or AIX. Update 2018-04-18: After some cygwin updating startxwin prefers to shut down immediately instead of offering me a menu (“xwin-xdg-menu … — an XDG Desktop Menu Specification menu“) in the system tray.…
some of my cygwin utilities started yielding exit code 127 — resolved by a proper reinstallation of cygwin base CAVEAT: Always do a cygwin update outside cygwin: c:…\Downloads> .\setup-x86_64.exe –no-admin I do my cygwin set-up with command line option –no-admin, as I do not have admin rights on that Windows box, so that’s the only way to achieve my personal cygwin installation. I download the file setup-x86_64.exe to the above directory from using…
extracting fields from a Jira “issue” (like a very nice and useful description)? how to get the markup source of the issue description?
No, Jira does not let you read (“per se“) the markup source of an “issue” – that’s why I went this way in the first place 🙄 – using Jira’s REST API: a “…/rest/api/2/issue/…” URL – how to use jq for json-tidying jq . X.json > X.pretty.json – extract the structure tree of your…
cygwin: cygutils: readshortcut – displays details of Windows “.lnk” files – a collection of simple utilities (core collection) – “readshortcut” is one of those utilities /usr/share/doc/cygutils/PROGLIST – part of that package – quite worth having a look at Try this command line: $ readshortcut –fields –all –raw –windows *.lnk
cygpath — convert Unix and Windows format paths, or output system path information
cygcheck — list system information, check installed packages, or query package database
I let “Git Gui” AKA git-gui (on cygwin) “Compress Database”, and the database was corrupt then The differences between the master and the local copy were not big enough, so I resorted to re-cloning: – I actually followed Niel de Wet’s advice ( and “I simply replaced the .git folder in the broken repo with the one I recloned“
Microsoft Windows and the X Window System — new title: updating my cygwin installation left me in trouble again $ startxwin I usually prefer the rootless way. My applications nowadays “usually” run on a Linux (Debian, …) system or AIX. Update 2018-04-18: After some cygwin updating startxwin prefers to shut down immediately. I had no idea, that startxwin uses this start-up file: /etc/X11/xinit/startxwinrc . The last utility called there usually makes X wait…