Category: mp3
“YouTube mp3” – how to retrieve an MP3 file from a YouTube link I can’t promise, that these are truely safe websites.
what parameters to use for “ripping” (converting) audio files to MP3
bit rate: 223 kbps (VBR = variable bit rate) sample rate: 44,100 kHz There had been a note sitting on my kitchen desk for months, scribbled on the back of a calendar page, seeking to get transferred over here.
MP3 tags and file names
IMHO file names should never ever contain anything else but only “printable ASCII” characters. letting music file names reflect the contents is sometimes just too much work, so sometimes I abbreviate them to just the track number I just came across some Glenn Gould albums, and now the file names all look like 99.mp3. I…
how to browse music?
Today resp. just now I found “yet another time …“, that browsing my music library in iTunes / on the iPod / on the iPhone “by genre” is much more fun, then browsing by name on my file system – what a surprise! Yet I still insist, that my music library has to be kept…