Category: OReilly
the 11 e-books I got today from O’Reilly
Downloaded through Dropbox to my Synology ^NAS: oreilly–Agile_Data_Science.20131011104838.pdf oreilly–Building_Web_Apps_with_WordPress.20140407142920.pdf oreilly–Communicating_Data_with_Tableau.20140612124036.pdf oreilly–Data_Science_at_the_Command_Line.20140626143621.pdf oreilly–Free_as_in_Freedom.20130104090715.pdf oreilly–Graph_Databases.20130612085254.pdf oreilly–IPv6_Address_Planning.20140528100600.pdf oreilly–IPv6_Essentials–3rd_Edition.20140605124939.pdf oreilly–MySQL–Cookbook–2nd_Edition.20130114120323.pdf oreilly–Python–Cookbook–3rd_Edition.20140306152041.pdf oreilly–WordPress__The_Missing_Manual–2nd_Edition.20140617133938.pdf
O’Reilly Media book: Agile Data Science Mining big data requires a deep investment in people and time. How can you be sure you’re building the right models? With this hands-on book, you’ll learn a flexible toolset and methodology for building effective analytics applications with Hadoop.
O’Reilly Media book: Communicating Data with Tableau Go beyond spreadsheets and tables and design a data presentation that really makes an impact. This practical guide shows you how to use Tableau Software to convert raw data into compelling data visualizations that provide insight or allow viewers to explore the data for themselves. You’ll learn how to craft articulate and creative data…
O’Reilly Media book: Python Pocket Reference Updated to cover Python 2.7 and 3.4, this compact reference is the perfect on-the-job tool for developing applications with this versatile programming language. By covering the core language as well as commonly-used libraries, this small but potent book both serves as an ideal complement to Python tutorials. This fifth edition includes specific built-in types…
O’Reilly Media book: HTML5: The Missing Manual
HTML5: The Missing Manual: HTML5 is more than a markup language—it’s a dozen independent web standards all rolled into one. Until now, all it’s been missing is a manual. With this thorough, jargon-free guide, you’ll learn how to build web apps that include video tools, dynamic drawings, geolocation, offline web apps, drag-and-drop, and many other…
O’Reilly Media book: Heroku: Up and Running
Heroku: Up and Running: Take full advantage of Heroku’scloud-based hosting services. This guide takes you through theinner workings of this PaaS platform and delivers practical advicefor architecting your application to work as efficiently aspossible. You’ll learn best practices for improving speedand throughput, solving latency issues, locating and fixingproblems if your application goes down, and ensuring…
O’Reilly Media book: Windows 8.1: Out of the Box Get a real feel for Windows 8.1 with a wealth of tips in this step-by-step guide. After using Windows 7 or XP, learning Microsoft’s latest operating system takes some adjustment. Never fear. Windows expert Mike Halsey starts with the basics and then takes you through the trickier parts of Microsoft’s latest operating system.
O’Reilly Media book: vi and Vim Editors Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition
O’Reilly Media book: Linux Server Hacks, Volume One It’s not officially called “Volume One”, but since there also appeared a “Volume Two”, it seems to make sense to call this one “Volume One”, right? The recipes, you can find here, are also applicable generally in the Unix world. chapter 6: SSH – really, really, really valuable chapter 6, hack# 69: “Running…
O’Reilly Media book: Learning the vi and Vim Editors, 7th Edition