Category: OReilly
O’Reilly Media book: Classic Shell Scripting (a Git repository) nice scripts shown there and available in the sample code: – rather similar to my own – rather similar to my own – but has a problem with “md5sum” – I fixed that …
Google Script: Enterprise Application Essentials
Google Script: Enterprise Application Essentials: How can you extend Google Apps to fit your organization’s needs? This concise guide shows you how to use Google Scripts, the JavaScript-based language that provides a complete web-based development platform—with no downloads, configuration, or compiling required. You’ll learn how to add functionality to Gmail, spreadsheets, and other Google services,…
O’Reilly Media book: Heroku Cedar – Web Application Architecture with the Process Model
Heroku Cedar: This book will show you how to build a scalable and reliable high-traffic web application using Heroku Cedar as a platform. Originally available only for Ruby (on Rails), but now extended for many more languages, Heroku Cedar is a very interesting choice. The application we’ll build is a ping service, but with characteristics…
O’Reilly Media book: Head First HTML and CSS
Head First HTML and CSS: Tired of reading HTML books that only make sense after you’re an expert? Then it’s about time you picked up Head First HTML and really learned HTML. You want to learn HTML so you can finally create those web pages you’ve always wanted, so you can communicate more effectively with…
O’Reilly Media book: Team Geek
Team Geek: As a software engineer, you’re great with computer languages, compilers, debuggers, and algorithms. But success also depends on how you work with people to get your job done. In this highly entertaining book, Brian Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman cover basic patterns and anti-patterns for working with other people, teams, and users while trying…
O’Reilly Media book: Your Body: The Missing Manual
Your Body: The Missing Manual – O’Reilly Media also available in German [link] 2012-04-29: purchased the paper book in German as used book on Amazon As o’Reilly/Germany doesn’t offer affordable e-book upgrades, I guess I will get the U.S. e-book as an “upgrade”
o’Reilly Media book: Designing Data Visualizations
Designing Data Visualizations – O’Reilly Media got it on 2012-07-29.
O’Reilly Media book: Programming Google App Engine
Programming Google App Engine: Google App Engine does more than provide access to a large system of servers. It also offers you a simple model for building applications that scale automatically to accommodate millions of users. With this updated edition of Programming Google App Engine, you’ll get expert practical guidance that will help you make…