Category: smartphones
how to enable cell broadcast on iPhone and Android smartphone
Quite useful information, if your smartphone is set up to talk to you in English – wherever in the world. In Germany these days mobile (virtual) network operators (in my case: congstar) tell their customers in German, how to set up “cell broadcast” on their smartphones. But their Denglish sometimes is not close enough to…
my smartphone gets called by a number, and it knows the number by a prefix only … – I would like that to be a match
Wouldn’t that be a very, very nice feature?!
iOS onboarding for smartphone beginners – iOS vs Posteo address book, calendar, e-mail …
Android smartphone onboarding for smartphone beginners – Android vs Posteo address book, calendar, e-mail …
Android smartphones: “do not cover the top of your phone”, “touch-disable mode” – easy to fix Settings > Smart assistance > Touch-disable mode