Category: agile software development
O’Reilly Media book: Agile Data Science With this hands-on book, you’ll learn a flexible toolset and methodology for building effective analytics applications. Agile Data shows you how to create an environment for exploring data, using lightweight tools such as Ruby, Python, Apache Pig, and the D3.js (Data-Driven Documents) JavaScript library. You’ll learn an iterative approach that allows you to quickly…
The Pragmatic Bookshelf: Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great
book: The Art of Agile Development – O’Reilly Media
The Art of Agile Development – O’Reilly Media
book: Agile Coaching
The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Agile Coaching
book: The Agile Samurai
The Pragmatic Bookshelf | The Agile Samurai
book: Agile in a Flash
The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Agile in a Flash 2011-09-01/02: work through cards 1 through 14. 2011-09-02 – during the ride on the train back to Berlin: work through cards 15 through 18. 2011-09-07/08 – card 19 …
Agile software development – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Agile software development – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia