Category: The Perl Programming Language
CPAN modules for checking credit card numbers (LUHN check)
CPAN modules for checking credit card numbers (LUHN check): This is a review and comparison of 9 CPAN modules that can be used to do a LUHN check on a number. …
a book published through Lulu: Moose – authors: Dave Rolsky, Stevan Little
Moose by Dave Rolsky, Stevan Little; e-book and paperback Update 2012-08-13 purchased the e-book, and uploaded it to my tablet.
Perl Best Practices: Command-Line Processing Again: rather worth reading and making use of it. Personally I have been using Getopt::Long and Pod::Usage together for quite a while. I can seriously recommend them.
VTI’s tutorial on “web scraping with LWP” | Interactive Perl tutorials
developing software in Perl – I really like it with cpanm and perlbrew – moved this article to my wiki in 2015-03 : my own updated notes on App::perlbrew; including a note on creating a stable alias for steady and ongoing use : my own notes on App::cpanminus, “yet another CPAN installer” (Just for me, for finding my way through confusion.) My usual starting point before installing a CPAN module: $ perlbrew…
what’s the state of Perl for building web apps?
Perl on Heroku | Hacker News
page scraping with perl: using WWW::Mechanize and mech-dump …
Using WWW::Mechanize to get my scratchy 45s – Perlbuzz
Moo – Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatiblity) – Perl CPAN
Moo – Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatiblity) –
Moose: a (post) modern OOP extension for Perl | heise Developer (in German)
Moose: Eine (post-)moderne OOP-Erweiterung für Perl | heise Developer