Tag: mintty

  • KDE Konsole is a terminal emulator (AKA console) for the K Desktop Environment — outdated — I now prefer qterminal over konsole

    https://konsole.kde.org https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/applications/konsole/commandreference.html#settings-menu — shortcuts, how to move the focus to another tab, … http://kde-cygwin.sourceforge.net https://cygwin.com/packages/package_list.html https://cygwin.com/packages/x86_64/konsole/ https://cygwin.com/packages/x86_64/konsole4/ I urgently need to replace mintty within my Cygwin environment by something more serious. I need to split the screen horizontally or vertically. And I cannot cope with GNU screen‘s shortcomings – esp. with its learning curve. Context: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminal_multiplexer…

  • mintty is a terminal emulator for cygwin, …, and for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)

    http://mintty.github.io http://mintty.github.io/mintty.1.html https://github.com/mintty/utils https://github.com/mintty/mintty/wiki https://github.com/mintty/mintty/wiki/Tips https://github.com/mintty/mintty/wiki/Tips#virtual-tabs  — “… By default, the list is shown in the extended context menu (Ctrl+right-click), …, and the menus opened with the Ctrl+Menu key …“ https://github.com/mintty/mintty/wiki/Tips#using-ctrltab-to-switch-window-pane-in-terminal-multiplexers (GNU Screen, tmux) — “The Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab key combinations can be used to switch …“ https://github.com/mintty/mintty/wiki/Tips#localization