Tag: my own wiki

  • how to deal with abandoned foreign wikis – export+import their relevant articles

    http://www.b.shuttle.de/hayek/mediawiki/w/index.php?title=Main_Page#foreign_wiki_articles_living_here.2C_their_local_categories export the wiki articles in question (together with their history) to a nice XML “tarball” (or whatever) import them to your own wiki categorise them as “imported from which website” for every such category create a TOC this is such a pleasant way of dealing with the problem

  • my SOHO NFS set-up

    http://www.b.shuttle.de/hayek/mediawiki/w/?title=NFS – this is the right place for future documentation – apart from day to day experiences – blog vs wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_office/home_office AKA SOHO