Tag: sieve
how SPF resp. SRS broke my mail filtering and cost me a lot of sleep recently
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sender_Policy_Framework = SPF https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sender_Rewriting_Scheme = SRS https://www.getmailbird.com/what-spf-resources-are-available-now-that-openspf-org-is-gone/ http://www.openspf.org/SRS (unfunctional starting 2019-02) http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/United-Internet-verschaerft-Spam-Bekaempfung-3225281.html (in German) – the action that triggered my trouble I am using e-mail addresses on my “personal domains” (like Hayek.name), which implies some sort of forwarding to an IMAP server. The company, that hosts my “personal domains”, (UDAG) also forwards massive amount of e-mail messages to…
exporting Outlook e-mail message rules
When I dived into the world of e-mail filtering many years ago, I thought it should be done using sieve, but sieve wasn’t available, where I needed it. I started using procmail, because it was available, where I most needed e-mail filtering. I also started a project writing rules in Python accessing IMAP servers. That approach…