Tag: SQLRunner
iReport, some Oracle database, JDBC, SQLRunner, …
Your task is to interface a rather remote Oracle database with iReport. But you are not really sure, whether you are able to successfully connect to the database at all. And you want to “explore” the database, its tables, its “views” … No CLI utility like sqlplus available as well. I am trying SQLRunner. Says something…
how to connect to a PostgreSQL database using JDBC w/o host
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Database_Connectivity http://jan-lolling.de https://github.com/jlolling/sqlrunner https://github.com/JochenHayek/sqlrunner – my fork I am giving Jan Lolling’s SQLRunner a try to connect to a local PostgreSQL database. SQLRunner is written in Java, and it uses JDBC to connect to the various databases. Apparently there are 2 ways to connect to a PostgreSQL database: hostname + port + database + … socket +…
database tools using JDBC
http://jan-lolling.de – find the download links for his software SQLRunner here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBeaver https://dbeaver.io https://www.dbvis.com – DbVisualizer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JDBC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JDBC_driver