Tag: trang
RELAX NG’s jing and trang now on github.com
https://github.com/relaxng https://github.com/relaxng/jing-trang
XML Shell: xmlsh
http://www.xmlsh.org https://github.com/xmlsh/xmlsh1_3 they also provide a Java .jar file and a shell script etc around it, so you can run it on your platform http://www.xmlsh.org/CommandCsv2xml – builtin csv2xml, funny! http://www.xmlsh.org/CommandRngconvert – that’s trang, dealing with “Relax NG“ examples for csv2xml: $ csv2xml -header my_file.csv $ csv2xml -header -attr my_file.csv # for CSV files created by Excel…
RELAX-NG / jing-trang is “now” on github
https://github.com/relaxng/jing-trang https://github.com/relaxng/jing-trang/wiki https://github.com/relaxng/jing-trang/wiki/How-to-build-from-source
nXML mode – James Clark’s page (i.e. the author’s)
http://www.thaiopensource.com/nxml-mode/ nxml-mode works best with an RELAX-NG schema / grammar corresponding to the XML being edited. http://relaxng.org/ http://www.thaiopensource.com/relaxng/trang.html is there a way to translate XSD to RNG? is there a way to translate Schematron to RNG? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14803562/how-to-convert-an-xml-schema-xsd-to-relax-ng ??? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/122089/xsd-to-rnc-or-rng-conversion-unix-command-line !!! http://www.xml.gr.jp/relax/ http://debeissat.nicolas.free.fr/XSDtoRNG.php https://java.net/projects/msv http://search.maven.org/#browse%7C738029748 – msv
editing JRXML in emacs using nxml-mode
Just created an RELAG-NG (“compact”) grammar for editing JRXML files. I used trang for that, and the “input module” was a sample JRXML file. Yes, that means: occasionally some JRXML file will have tags or attributes, that my jasperreport.rnc does not know yet. But then re-running trang on an additional sample file is not really…
editing XML documents in emacs using nxml-mode
One good reason for not not authoring in XML is not having a suitable editor or IDE. I personally use and recommend emacs and James Clark‘s nxml-mode. I create and modify all sorts of XML documents this way. If you supply nxml-mode with the right schema for your document, nxml-mode can even help you with tag completion and document…
bulk upload of events in XML at XING
At this link XING tells us, that they accept XML files in a certain format for uploading events to their site. They supply us with some nice but rather informal documentation in PDF, but there is no schema. Now that made me a little curious today, I downloaded their template file, created a few variants…
my CV or Resume in XML
Until not too long ago I had kept my CV in DocBook, then I converted it to XMLRésumé (but the project really looks dead nowadays), now I am converting it to HR-XML/Resume. Yes, I know, its project admin just recently declared this SourceForge project as inactive. But then, what alternatives are there? Of course, I…