upgrading my Macs to Yosemite …

Lessons learned from Yosemite upgrades:

  • back up your Pictures, Documents, and Downloads directories (just below $HOME) yourself, before starting the Yosemite upgrade!

All my Macs got their Xcode packages and their Fink installation updated beforehand, as apparently that helps preserving a properly functioning Fink installation. The first “fink selfupdate” on an upgraded OS X Yosemite machine will tell you, you should “fink reinstall fink” next, and that’s what you will do, but then you procede again with “fink selfupdate” and “fink update-all”, and everthing will be fine.

So first there were my “Mac mini”-s:

  • the 1st one of them went through w/o moaning at all, at least none, that I noticed
  • one the 2nd one (“Alternate Edition”) I noticed a complaint about a lack of space on some “core volume”, but apparently Apple had foreseen that already and after another restart that seems to run through rather well.

Then there was my old MacBook Pro (with the 17″ screen). No trouble at all.

In the end there was my Summer 2014 lovely MacBook Air. No trouble at all.

Issues to get clarified:

  • Q: will my Samsung MFP still scan well and w/o trouble (i.e. more involvement on my side) in cooperation with my “Alternate Edition” Mac mini? A: of course Samsung offers a new (?) “Samsung Printer Installer” – YES, that’s all fine

My first Yosemite impressions:

  • looks like Yosemite is a little more economical regarding GUI resources: simpler ways of displaying GUI elements – certainly saves time and core memory
  • during the installation standard directories like $HOME/Pictures got cleared out radically w/o leaving back-ups
  • I am using 16 different “virtual desktops” – and Yosemite seems to confuse their positions and numbers
  • with Yosemite you can still connect to network services offered by a “server” (running Yosemite), even if the screen is locked, i.e. you can ssh into such a server w/o extra configuration, and also you can ssh into a properly set up VM running on such a server – I had started a trouble case for 10.9, which “never” got solved.


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