Synology router “RT1900ac” as an NFS server

/volumeUSB5/usbshare *(rw,async,no_wdelay,crossmnt,insecure,no_root_squash,insecure_locks,sec=sys,anonuid=1025,anongid=100)

The /etc/fstab entry looks like this (again: all this is on one line in your file):

SynologyRouter:/volumeUSB5/usbshare /media/synologyrouter nfs4 noauto,nouser,dev,exec,suid,hard,rw,bg,sec=sys 0 0

Maybe you want to replace SynologyRouter with its one of its internal IP addresses like

The device service can out of the box serve as a CIFS and Apple file server, but despite it’s sisterhood to the Synology DiskStations the GUI is not prepared to make use of the NFS server. Yet on the command line you can achieve it.

I attached a hard disk through USB-2 (it appears as /volumeUSB5/usbshare), and made it available via /etc/exports. USB-2 has its limitations, but this set-up works perfectly for my needs.

Yes, we have to open the router’s firewall in order to let NFS communication through. I am currently a little relaxed w.r.t. opening the firewall, because I am running “our device” locally i.e. within my LAN. Of course nfsd must not be accessible on the WAN port but only on the LAN ports incl. wifi (Source IP / Specific IP / Select / Subnet / …). I will explain that here a little later.


2 responses to “Synology router “RT1900ac” as an NFS server”

  1. This is interesting, I was wondering why they did not include NFS.

    I share a lot of media files around my home network and NFS is best for the Raspberry Pi since it gives the smalest over head.

    Do you think it might be possible to implement an AdBlocker into the Router?

    1. Jochen Hayek avatar
      Jochen Hayek

      I don’t think an AdBlocker belongs into a router.
      This is what I use with Chrome.
      With Firefox I am using Adblock Plus.

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