Month: April 2016

  • O’Reilly Media book: Bash Pocket Reference It’s simple: you need to know how to work with the bash shell if you want to get to the heart of Mac OS X, Linux, and other Unix systems. Updated for the most recent version of bash, this concise little book puts all of the essential information about bash at your fingertips. You’ll…

  • O’Reilly Media book: JSON at Work – Practical Data Integration for the Web : …, jq, jqPlay, jq-tutorial, … More than just a simple replacement for XML when you make an AJAX call, JSON is becoming the backbone of any serious data interchange over the Internet. This practical book shows web architects and developers how to harness the energy and…

  • Fender Musical Instruments Corporation, G&L Musical Instruments, … After selling the Fender company, Leo Fender founded Music Man in 1975, and later founded the G&L Musical Instruments company, which manufactures electric guitars and basses based on his later designs. G&L is a guitar design and production company founded by Leo Fender, George Fullerton, and Dale Hyatt in the late 1970s.[1] Fender…

  • “Rocksmith” is a music video game (Xbox, PlayStation) – for guitar only(?)

    Rocksmith is a music video game produced by Ubisoft, released in October 2011 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 – Rocksmith for violin and other instruments (presumably still not implemented)

  • “Jenkins” is an open source Continuous Integration software – O’Reilly Media book: Jenkins: The Definitive Guide – PacktPub book: Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook!forum/jenkinsci-users —

  • converting a Jenkins CI job’s config.xml to several flat files (.properties, .sh, .bat, …)

    Over time Jenkins jobs can grow into something “a little confusing”, in other words: like cancer. The Jenkins developers were thoughtful enough to provide an API to all the data structures, that Jenkins and its jobs operate on, so we are able to export an entire Jenkins job as XML. You certainly do not want…

  • once you are getting familiar with XPath and XMLStarlet, you are using it for rather “ordinary tasks” – “Get that Linux feeling – on Windows“ – “The Fink project wants to bring the full world of Unix Open Source software to Darwin and Mac OS X. …“ Areas, where you will want to make use of XPath expressions and xmlstarlet in order to extract details: HTML web pages –…

  • VirtualBox: multiple virtual machines with SSH servers on port 22 – how to reach them?

    In the VirtualBox Manager: > Settings > Network > Port Forwardings > for every virtual machine add a service with a new, unique Host Port (e.g. 2229), the Guest Port always set to 22 – if that’s the port, your local SSH server is listening on. Once that’s completed, you can reach a specific one like…

  • using XPath on non-XML HTML – how to tidy dirty HTML?

    Scraping HTML using XPath is far nicer than through low-level text processing. But how to proceed, if your XPath tool cannot deal with the HTML, because it is not XHTML conform resp. properly formatted XML? My XPath tool is XMLStarlet: And it can also help reformatting HTML, so that XPath expressions can get applied. I…

  • Q: how to get updates from web pages w/o RSS feed? A: XPath + cron or Jenkins job

    sadly enough even now in 2016 a lot of web pages are not XHTML conform, but getting them fairly conform is not that expensive: use “xmlstarlet fo –html –recover“ get the (cron or) Jenkins job to save the current page content in the job’s workspace let the Jenkins job compare the current to the last…