- https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/centos-7-linux/9781785887284/ch05s06.html#ch05lvl2sec149 – context: XFS, LVM
- https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/linux-powerful-server/9781788293778/ch19s06.html#ch05lvl2sec0151 (by the same authors)
In 2022 it looks a little unreasonable to not use LVM but only partitions.
Resizing a filesystem on a partition (as opposed to on an LVM volume) should only be done, if / as long as the filesystem is not mounted on that partition.
- https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-resize-ext4-root-partition-live-without-umount – “Resizing any live partition without unmout comes with a tremendous risk of loosing data thus it is not recommended. If you a have a sensitive data stored on your system, it is always recommended to take the system down make a backup and resize the partition while it is not mounted.“
- https://askubuntu.com/questions/60431/how-do-i-resize-root-partition
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