Category: browsers
My mind is like my internet browser. 19 tabs open with 3 of them frozen & I have no idea where the music is coming from.
My mind is like my internet browser. 19 tabs open with 3 of them frozen & I have no idea where the music is coming from.
— Legally Caffeinated (@LCaffeinated) June 1, 2018 -
Google Chrome reports NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID for a website and does not display it for you – how to overcome? if you do trust that site, type “badidea” resp. “thisisunsafe” directly in chrome on the same page and Chrome will load the page! (“this is unsafe”, but without the spaces in between) I am sort of breathless and outraged considering they keep me from displaying pages, that I want to display.
how to clear HSTS settings in Chrome and Firefox
Chrome sometimes complains, it cannot visit some URL because off HSTS trouble. AKA HSTS chrome://net-internals/#hsts -> “Delete domain security policies”
how to get informed of all the Mozilla Firefox beta updates In about:config set to beta.
where is the fun with Firefox Aurora …
…, if most of my plugins are getting disabled with the next upgrade? Back to Firefox “beta update channel”! That should be exciting enough. Well, at least my plugins are functional there.
the Firefox setting “browser.display.use_document_colors”
Up until now, I have never heard of this setting, nevertheless it had gotten toggled a while ago. It had made me a little nervous during the last couple of weeks. How I solved the issue: searched the web for “Firefox ignores stylesheets“, too many hits of course …, found a hint pointing to PrefBar,…
Firefox Add-on “Dafizilla Table2Clipboard”
Dafizilla Table2Clipboard :: Add-ons for Firefox sources on If you want to paste data in Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc with correct disposition simply use Table2Clipboard.