Category: Git SCM

  • retrieving my favourite personal scripts from my GitHub area $ curl –location –remote-name $ wget –no-check-certificate No chance to download with “the right timestamp”. I usually prefer accessing my files at my NAS at home, but sometimes there is no SOCKS proxy available or retrieving the files from my GitHub area is a few steps closer.

  • how to deal with folders on GitHub, although there is no obvious support for them This introductory guide teaches you how to use GitHub to manage and collaborate with developers, designers, and other business professionals more effectively. You’ll learn about project transparency, collaboration tools, the basics of Git management, and how to make changes yourself—without having to bother your development team. – Working with Folders – Creating a Folder – Renaming a…

  • “netcat” can be used to proxy-enable “git” This only works, if your proxy also supports SOCKS. netcat’s specific options: -x : specify proxy address and port -X : proxy protocol: …, “5” (SOCKS), … This approach should also work for a few more applications.

  • Emoji cheat sheet for GitHub, Basecamp and other services

    Emoji codes used by GitHub, Basecamp, Slack and other services. Searchable. With emoji meanings. It seems intriguing to use the English-language-codes of those emoticons in places, where you can’t select the respective emoticon from a graphical list, hoping it gets replaced by its graphical counterpart anyway.

  • my first repository on – and it is public – I uploaded my most helpful scripts I uploaded a couple of the scripts, that I use and change most: my fetchmail log file checker – including the sslfingerprint extraction my procmail log file reformatter a few *-suggest-rename*.sh shell scripts – they are so useful for creating “reasonable” names for PDF and JPEG files I was simply tired of keeping (some…

  • cvsconvert and cvs-fast-export – migrating from CVS to Git =

  • O’Reilly Media book: Introducing GitHub This introductory guide teaches you how to use GitHub to manage and collaborate with developers, designers, and other business professionals more effectively. You’ll learn about project transparency, collaboration tools, the basics of Git management, and how to make changes yourself—without having to bother your development team. – Working with Folders – Creating a Folder – Renaming a…

  • Packt Publishing: Git: Version Control for Everyone

  • O’Reilly Media book: Git Pocket Guide

    Git Pocket Guide: This pocket guide is the perfect on-the-job companion to Git, the distributed version control system. It provides a compact, readable introduction to Git for new users, as well as a reference to common commands and procedures for those of you with Git experience.

  • O’Reilly Media book: Version Control with Git, 2nd Edition

    Version Control with Git: Get up to speed on Git for tracking, branching, merging, and managing code revisions. Through a series of step-by-step tutorials, this practical guide takes you quickly from Git fundamentals to advanced techniques, and provides friendly yet rigorous advice for navigating the many functions of this open source version control system.