Category: UNIX
linux – how to ‘grep’ a continuous stream I had never heard of “stdbuf” before AIX grep has -u GNU grep has –line-buffered, its -u is not the same as AIX grep’s
logcheck – scans your logfiles and warns you – this is the nicest overview page Dependencies and restrictions: logcheck depends on logtail logtail runs on exactly one file … … and only once on that file, as it keeps a sister file called logfile.offset improving this should actually be “easy”, e.g. keeping a sister file called logfile.offset.user Pros: abstracting resp. filtering…
AIX has a limit for cronjobs concurrently being run
Sounds reasonable in a way. But it’s rather bad, if you are not aware of it, and your corporate OS Monitoring Services do not remind you of critical entries in the resp. cron log file. They may say something like: there is crontab entry, that did not get executed, because we exceeded the maximum number…
PPT’s perlish diff got released outside PPT a long time ago
Diff – Compare two files and print differences
O’Reilly Media book: Effective awk Programming, 3rd Edition
Effective awk Programming, 3rd Edition – O’Reilly Media