Tag: For Dummies
Wiley: Getting a Big Data Job For Dummies
http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9781118903407.do Hone your analytic talents and become part of the next big thing Getting a Big Data Job For Dummies is the ultimate guide to landing a position in one of the fastest-growing fields in the modern economy. Learn exactly what “big data” means, why it’s so important across all industries, and how you can…
Wiley: Home Recording For Musicians For Dummies
http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9781118968017.do get the Kindle edition through your local Amazon, then DRM-ize and EPUB-ize it, that’s the best path for easy future access to this nice book Save studio fees with pro-quality recording at home Home Recording For Musicians For Dummies offers simple explanations on how to record music in a home studio, no matter your…