- https://wiki.jochen.hayek.name/w?title=The_GNU_packages_that_I_need_most_seriously_on_my_finkified_Macs – this is where this text should actually live and get maintained
CAVEAT!!! Read carefully beforehand:
I.e. install
- Xcode Tools/Developer Tools,
- Xcode Command Line Tools,
- and X11 !
This message wants to tell you, that the Xquartz X11 distribution is not installed (it is not something, that fink can do for you):
Can’t resolve dependency “x11-dev” for package “poppler46-shlibs-0.26.2-3” (no matching packages/versions found)
$ fink install coreutils-default grep xmlstarlet pwgen saxon wget $ fink install image-exiftool-pm # extracts date+time from JPEG files $ fink install xpdf # which includes pdfinfo; extracts date+time from PDF files $ fink install ghostscript # needed by emacs doc-view (?!?)
Note 2019-10-21: I fail installing wget, because it depends on some uncompilable gpgme11. (Solved < 2020-05-27.)
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