Category: Ubuntu
Linux equivalent of Windows ctrl to show mouse pointer
I am on Ubuntu 22.04, and this works for me: $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface locate-pointer true
ubuntu: gnome-terminal or terminator?
My new ThinkPad “broke” – neither internal nor external video worked any longer. I got my SSD moved from the broken ThinkPad to another ThinkPad. (Yes, we considered the downsides.) gnome-terminal wouldn’t want to start any more. Error message: Possibly the SSD or the file system on it is damaged. For the time being I…
my Ubuntu VirtualBox virtual machine – “Small, Sharp Software Tools” – I followed the instructions in chapter “Creating an Ubuntu Virtual Machine with VirtualBox” my host OS: macOS … I chose to use the current Ubuntu LTS release (20*) as opposed to the 18* one mentioned in the book – on my 2nd try I surfed to and…
a Personal Package Archive (PPA) is a software repository for uploading source packages to be built and published as an Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) …
Ubuntu to abandon X11 – The H Open Source: News and Features
Ubuntu to abandon X11 – The H Open Source: News and Features