Category: Mac OS X Lion
yet another (but nice) OS X SFTP/SCP browser: Fugu SSH |
Fugu SSH | Free Security & Utilities software downloads at Got to the files section and get the Lion / Intel build!
Mac OS X: How to Uninstall Xcode?
Mac Developer Tips » How to Uninstall Xcode I hate, that I have to restart this computer. Even after this the app store still thinks XCode is installed and up-to-date. What a mess! I had to remove “/Applications//Install”, only after this, I could re-install Xcode. Mounting xcode_4.1_for_lion.dmg and executing the pkg file in there did…
Darwin Ports on Lion
This is also not a success story right now. In order to install Mercurial for GoLang I will have to do that the native way.
fink on Lion
When I set up fink on Snow Leopard quite a while ago, I didn’t really care, where XCode and all that went. Now with Lion things are not running as smooth. I have to put /Developer/usr/bin on PATH. But that still doesn’t allow to successfully run ./bootstrap . How bad! I think I am going…
Mac OS X Lion makes it unnecessarily easy for password crackers – The H Security: News and Features
Mac OS X Lion makes it unnecessarily easy for password crackers – The H Security: News and Features: A security expert reports that under Lion, even users without root privileges have access to other users’ password hashes. Hashes can be used to establish the original password
Mac OS X Lion fails to check passwords when authenticating via LDAP – The H Security: News and Features
Mac OS X Lion fails to check passwords when authenticating via LDAP – The H Security: News and Features: When the new version of Mac OS X uses the LDAP directory service to store user data centrally, a username alone is sufficient to log onto Mac systems. In some circumstances it is also possible for…
book: Mac Kung Fu: Over 300 Tips, Tricks, Hints, and Hacks for OS X Lion
The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Mac Kung Fu My bookmark: Tip 168 – “Add Blank Spaces to the Dock“.
the Adium forum on cocoaforge
cocoaforge • View forum – Adium here you can search for discussions on the Skype plugin vs. Mac OS X Lion.