Category: xmlstarlet
the GNU packages that I need most seriously on my “finkified” Macs – this is where this text should actually live and get maintained CAVEAT!!! Read carefully beforehand: I.e. install Xcode Tools/Developer Tools, Xcode Command Line Tools, and X11 ! This message wants to tell you, that the Xquartz X11 distribution is not installed (it is not something, that fink can do for you):…
updating resp. re-installing “fink” on OS X “El Capitan”
Updating did not work at all. I needed a fresh installation from . And then: $ fink install coreutils xmlstarlet pwgen $ fink install xpdf … Nota bene: you should always upgrade fink before upgrading OS X.
doing XPath within shell scripts with a lightweight utility
Is XMLStartlet really a reliable and lightweight command line utility to be employed with shell scripts? … with cygwin shell scripts?!? cygwin and fink have each have (ipkg does not) a ready-made XMLStartlet, and for now it seems to do what I need. cygwin (?), fink, and ipkg each have a ready-made libxml2 and xmllint.