Category: XQuery
XQuery/Inserting and Updating Attributes – Wikibooks, open books for an open world
<!– | 522: Connection timed out body{margin:0;padding:0} <!–[if lte IE 9]>/cdn-cgi/scripts/jquery.min.js<![endif]–> /cdn-cgi/scripts/zepto.min.js<!– /cdn-cgi/scripts/cf.common.js Error 522 Ray ID: 3a8c5df38cb61583 • 2017-10-05 00:47:29 UTC Connection timed out You Browser Working Frankfurt Cloudflare Working Host Error What happened? The initial connection between Cloudflare’s network and the origin web server timed out. As a result, the web…
creating diary entries from my (little) blog articles 1st approach: xmlstarlet with an XPath expression (rss/channel/item/link) + shell wrapper. 2nd approach: XQuery script looping over rss/channel/item (+ shell wrapper). I am glad to upload it to my github area, in case somebody is interested. Update 2016-08-26: By default WordPress creates an RSS feed with just 10 entries. I don’t create my diary entries…
how would I do something like “disable-output-escaping yes” in XQuery? I am transforming an bank account statement from HTML to a text file (meant to be read by humans) using XQuery. And I want to use “<” and “>” in the output. But XQuery serialisation does the usual XML / HTML escaping. I wonder, how I can get around that unwanted rewriting.
XQuery: “declare boundary-space preserve;” does not apply wherever you expect it
<!– | 522: Connection timed out body{margin:0;padding:0} <!–[if lte IE 9]>/cdn-cgi/scripts/jquery.min.js<![endif]–> /cdn-cgi/scripts/zepto.min.js<!– /cdn-cgi/scripts/cf.common.js Error 522 Ray ID: 3a8c6029598d267e • 2017-10-05 00:48:59 UTC Connection timed out You Browser Working Frankfurt Cloudflare Working Host Error What happened? The initial connection between Cloudflare’s network and the origin web server timed out. As a result, the web…
after a couple of months using XPath and xmlstarlet I created my first lenghty XQuery script using Saxon9HE
“In production” I have been using a Bash+xmlstarlet script, that I wanted to optimise by rewriting it into an XQuery script. This would be my 1st XQuery script after a couple of months of exercising XQuery through Priscilla Walmsley’s book and Saxon9HE – a couple of hours per week only because of my entire workload. During…
XQuery: format-number: using $decimal-format-name is really, really weird Can you imagine, that the 3rd argument needs extra double quotes around? And it’s not easy to find an example showing this, but here I found one: – “Web Coding Bible” declare decimal-format local:de decimal-separator = “,” grouping-separator = “.”; declare decimal-format local:en decimal-separator = “.” grouping-separator = “,”; let $numbers := (1234.567, 789,…
XQuery: padding an integer or a number, but not with “0”
I found this function, but it pads on the right: : functx:pad-string-to-length I derived pad-string-to-length-on-the-left from it: I use it around format-integer and format-number, e.g. let $net_amount_formatted := local:pad-string-to-length-on-the-left( format-number( data($invoice/@net_amount) , ‘#,###.#####’ ) , ‘ ‘ , 12 )
XPath and XQuery Functions and Operators 3.0: Formatting integers and numbers I need to pad a decimal number to a given length with leading white space. Looks like there is nothing in the “built-in library”. Looks like there is no functx:pad-integer-to-length as well, but functx:pad-string-to-length looks intriguing – but it only pads on the right. I created a variant, that pads on…
listing a Jenkins CI folder recursively – pls find my script here! First I wrote this as a Shell script … calling XMLStarlet resp. SaxonHE (for XPath) and curl (for retrieving the Jenkins details as XML files). $ …/ folder … freeStyleProject … matrixProject … The listing is quite helpful for documentational purposes. I was really proud on my little achievement…