Tag: windows .lnk
EmacsWiki: Eshell Lnk File Support – but I would like to see the details of a Windows “.lnk” within emacs
cygwin: cygutils: readshortcut – displays details of Windows “.lnk” files
https://cygwin.com/packages/x86_64/cygutils/ – a collection of simple utilities (core collection) – “readshortcut” is one of those utilities /usr/share/doc/cygutils/PROGLIST – part of that package – quite worth having a look at Try this command line: $ readshortcut –fields –all –raw –windows *.lnk
pylnker – a Python tool to parse Windows “.lnk” files (derived from a Perl tool)
https://github.com/HarmJ0y/pylnker https://github.com/HarmJ0y/pylnker/blob/master/pylnker.py https://code.google.com/archive/p/revealertoolkit/ – Perl script to parse LNK files: lnk-parse-1.0.pl https://github.com/lcorbasson/revealertoolkit https://github.com/lcorbasson/revealertoolkit/blob/master/tools/lnk-parse-1.0.pl $ cd ‘C:\Users\jochen.hayek\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup’ $ ~/git-servers/github.com/HarmJ0y/pylnker/pylnker.py *.lnk $ ~/git-servers/github.com/lcorbasson/revealertoolkit/tools/lnk-parse-1.0.pl *.lnk