Category: opkg
ipkg, opkg, Optware, Optware-ng, Entware, Entware-ng for my Synology NASes
Linux package management systems for embedded systems. The utilities: – the history – ipkg fork, the currently popular one The repositories: Optware, Optware-ng, Entware, Entware-ng: – how it all started – outdated – an Optware fork using opkg – supports PPC, i686, …; does not support x86-64 – this page has the installation instructions – they do use…
“pdftohtml” – the one PDF utility I cannot “be” without – very nice description of the poppler-utils I actually mean “pdftohtml -xml” – which creates XML from PDF, and this is my command line: $ pdftohtml -xml -i -nomerge -hidden FILE.pdf resp.: $ pdftohtml -xml -i -nomerge -hidden FILE.pdf FILE.pdftohtml.xml Sometimes I need to run “pdftohtml -xml” (on the command line)…
doing XPath within shell scripts with a lightweight utility
Is XMLStartlet really a reliable and lightweight command line utility to be employed with shell scripts? … with cygwin shell scripts?!? cygwin and fink have each have (ipkg does not) a ready-made XMLStartlet, and for now it seems to do what I need. cygwin (?), fink, and ipkg each have a ready-made libxml2 and xmllint.
my Synology DS713+ now runs a “hibiscus-server”, and my wrapper layer (bash+perl) and also sendxmpp – not yet out of course I would have preferred a DS715+ or DS714+, but they are not available, the DS713+ isn’t really as low power as the DS215j it’s fun to see my bash and Perl scripts to run just the same on an openSUSE machine and on a Synology DiskStation –…
got sendxmpp running on Synology DSM5.2 using ipkg and a couple of tweaks Regular installations necessary for this to work: root# ipkg install perl root# ipkg install perl-digest-sha1 root# ipkg install perl-io-socket-ssl Which tweaks? Copied a couple of pure perl modules (and directories) from a perl installation (where I got sendxmpp running before) to /opt/lib/perl5/site_perl/ : JSON* Getopt Authen Net/XMPP* XML/Stream* Digest Data
running “Hibiscus Payment-Server” on a Synology DiskStation Synology’s JavaManager assists in installing Oracle’s JVM successfully I succeeded running the hibiscus server shell script to start the hibiscus server I have operated the hibiscus server successfully for months now on openSUSE VMs just as I operated the openSUSE based hibiscus servers, the Synology BusyBox+IPKG based hibiscus server seems to run stably…
“nail(1): send/receive Internet mail” – I quite like to be able to do command line e-mailing on my NAS : Heirloom mailx (formerly known as “nail”) is intended provide the functionality of the POSIX mailx command with additional support for MIME messages, IMAP (including caching), POP3, SMTP, S/MIME, message threading/sorting, scoring, and filtering. on my Synology NAS it is available as an IPKG package using this utility I can send out files from…
“GKrellM” is a single process stack of system monitors available with openSUSE Linux and also the IPKG repositories for the Synology “DiskStation” NASs “gkrellm can run in client mode and collect data from a gkrellmd server running on a remote machine“, so on the NASs I run gkrellmd, and on some openSUSE I run the array of clients – one client…
OS updates / upgrades can always be a PITA – modified my .profile again to cope with Synology’s latest DSM changes
Within .profile I try to find out, where exactly (in which environment) “I” am operating. Once I know this, I can set up PATH depending on the environment. Of course on a Synology NAS based on a BusyBox with IPKG (GNU) extensions things look different to my Mac or to my OpenSUSE installations, but still:…
IPKG on my Synology NAS, /etc/rc.optware, /volume1/@optware, and the /opt symlink
There are two different strategies to access /volume1/@optware through /opt: a symlink (the approach I prefer) “mount -o bind” (usually run through /etc/rc.optware) Once in a while (usually after a DSM update) the symlink “/opt” got removed and/or /etc/rc.optware already executed the “mount -o bind”. I am checking on my /opt symlink in my ~/.profile,…