Category: macOS
the GNU packages that I need most seriously on my “finkified” Macs – this is where this text should actually live and get maintained CAVEAT!!! Read carefully beforehand: I.e. install Xcode Tools/Developer Tools, Xcode Command Line Tools, and X11 ! This message wants to tell you, that the Xquartz X11 distribution is not installed (it is not something, that fink can do for you):…
Melanie Pinola on LIFEHACKER: Easily Add Spacers to Your Mac’s Dock I really enjoy having more order in my dock. An excerpt from the article quoted Open Terminal and copy and paste this command: defaults write persistent-apps -array-add ‘{tile-data={}; tile-type=”spacer-tile”;}’ Then this one: killall Dock The dock will refresh with an added spacer can be dragged to any position (or removed by dragging it…
how to put macOS in Hibernate (Deep Sleep) mode – and how to disable it again man pmset [link] $ sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 25$ sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 3$ sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
how to always boot macOS (FKA OS X) in Verbose Mode
As with Linux for me it’s a must to see the thing working on something and exactly what, instead of staring at a graphical screen to indicate anyhow, why it forces me to wait.
O’Reilly Media book: Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Mountain Lion Edition
Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Mountain Lion Edition: Ready to move to the Mac? This incomparable guide helps you make a smooth transition. New York Times columnist and Missing Manuals creator David Pogue gets you past three challenges: transferring your stuff, assembling Mac programs so you can do what you did with Windows,…
TidBITS Publishing book: Take Control of Maintaining Your Mac
Take Control of Maintaining Your Mac: Regular maintenance is necessary for peak performance and to prevent problems, but it’s hard to know what to do and when to do it. Never fear, because you can now turn to best-selling author Joe Kissell, who walks you through his commonsense approach. Read this ebook to learn how…
OS X: accidentally switched my desktop to “white on black”
It took me quite a while to find the right group of system preferences, where to switch it back to “black on white”: Universal Access. Apple Universal Access is a component of the Mac OS X operating system that provides computing abilities to the blind, deaf, and handicapped. Update 2012-10-01 It happened again (in a…
yet another (but nice) OS X SFTP/SCP browser: Fugu SSH |
Fugu SSH | Free Security & Utilities software downloads at Got to the files section and get the Lion / Intel build!
Mac OS X: How to Uninstall Xcode?
Mac Developer Tips » How to Uninstall Xcode I hate, that I have to restart this computer. Even after this the app store still thinks XCode is installed and up-to-date. What a mess! I had to remove “/Applications//Install”, only after this, I could re-install Xcode. Mounting xcode_4.1_for_lion.dmg and executing the pkg file in there did…