Category: UNIX
how to test ports – Telnet, Expect, Bash, Netcat, Nmap
For “security reasons” telnet and nmap are not included in the basic set of utilities present on a production server. And why would you install software, that you usually don’t need there? But occasionally these tools are needed and should be available for installation. I certainly like telnet and nmap for the described purposes.
getent is a Unix command that helps a user get entries in a number of important text files called databases
The databases it searches in are: ahosts, ahostsv4, ahostsv6, aliases, ethers (Ethernet addresses), group, gshadow, hosts, netgroup, networks, passwd, protocols, rpc, services, and shadow.
Unix, Linux: how to do a proper and secure file transfer in a cronjob
I got advised to do sftp with an empty passphrase. I got that working. Was pretty straight forward. But is there a better way? With a non-empty passphrase? But how to deal with that passphrase? my buzzword web search: ssh file transfer best practice I do my ordinary SSH handling with an…
“System Security Services Daemon” AKA SSSD
… It is intended to provide single sign-on capabilities to networks based on Unix-like OSs that are similar in effect to the capabilities provided by Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services to Microsoft Windows networks. Enroll your Linux machine into an Active Directory, FreeIPA or LDAP domain. Use remote identities, policies and various authentication and…
Linux: how to edit certain system files in a secured way: vipw, vigr, visudo vipw and vigr are actually the same utility. You still have to also apply sudo on your command in order to gain the necessary privileges: Under certain circumstances you have to tell the utility, which (visual) editor to use: CAVEAT: the following article tells you something incorrect regarding “-s” / “–shadow” (read…
Linux: how to grant “sudo” privileges to an account: “usermod” CAVEAT: Do not edit any file for gaining the required effect, instead: use the following command line! Actually it adds (“–append”) ACCOUNT to a user group by the name of sudo. That works because of this entry in the file /etc/sudoers (what is the group sudo allowed to do?): In other Linux distributions the group…
Unix 7th Edition Manuals in PDF – where to get them these documents contain the manual pages (in original layout) describing the Bourne Shell, awk etc
GNU find – search for files in a directory hierarchy print each file’s last modification time (%T+) and its name (%P): $ find . -type f -printf ‘%T+ %P\n’ Because the time stamp is printed first and also in a suitable way, this is what we use to sort the files within a directory by their last modification time.
terminal emulators available in the Cygwin environment
The classical Unix/BSD/Linux approaches: … I urgently need to replace mintty within my Cygwin environment by something more serious. I need to split the screen horizontally or vertically. And I cannot cope with screen‘s shortcomings – esp. with its learning curve. Which packages can we find in Cygwin: $…
“watch” runs some command repeatedly, displaying … “watch” is nice, but sometimes I like this better: $ while sleep 2; do echo -n “$(date ‘+%F %T : ‘)”; …; done